Pen, marker, crayon on varnish-coated paper collage / 17” X 14” / I Am the God of Un-One / “11-16-93”

Pen, marker on varnish-coated paper collage / 25" X 19” / Side a = Dazzling Shadow/ 1994 /2-sided

Pen, marker on varnish-coated paper collage / 25" X 19” / Side b = Burial of the Artists Mother / 1994

Pen, marker, crayon on round varnish-coated paper collage, suspended in square wood frame / 24” X 24” / Admiral Sir Winston Lords Discovery of the Third Pole / 1994 / Side b of 2 sides

Pen, marker, crayon on varnish-coated paper collage / 24” X 19” / Thrusting the Dagger into the Heart of the Slimy Toad / 1995

Black and silver marker on varnish coated paperboard / 14” X 17” / Imposters Falling Out of Heaven / 1994

Marker, paint on varnish-coated plywood / 13” X 21” / Cuba’s Bread / 1986 / Side a of 2 sides

Ink and marker collage on varnish-coated paperboard / 24” X 19” / The Not / "4/26/94" / Side b of 2 sides

marker drawing on varnish coated paperboard / 24" X 19" / Brilliant Washrags / "3/6/94"

Mixed pen/marker/crayon on coated paperboard / 24" X 19" / Easter Flower of the Resurrection / 1995